Discover Our First Achievements
Our group won three economic grants (Catalisa ICT, SEBRAE, Centelha, FAPEG, CNPq, FINEP and Conecta Startup Brasil, CNPq, Softex, ABDi, MCTI and 1st in the InovAtiva Acceleration Program Impacto, 2022, Impact Hub,Sepec- ME, SEBRAE - the largest Startup Acceleration program in Latin America in the ESG ecosystem. We were accelerated by Business Development Program, 2022 edition, of BiotechTown. We were one of the 16 startups accelerated during the 7th round of BioStartup Lab, by Biominas Brasil. We were among the 24 finalist startups in the Challenge Like a Boss Brasil, SEBRAE, Inova+. We are one of the 14 finalist startups that will represent Brazil at SWITCH (Singapore Week of Innovation and Technology), oct and nov, 2023 in Singapore, through the OutReach Brasil Startup Program, organized by Anprotec, Apex, SEBRAE and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We are the only Brazilian startup to be classified in the Startup Program - Industrial Biotech, Hello, Tomorrow!, in nov, 2023, in Paris, France. We are among the 21 startups classified for the 5th edition of 100+ Labs Brasil, an Ambev initiative co-run by PPA and USAID. We were among the 20 startups in the Midwest approved in theConecta Startup Brasil, 2023. And finally, we are one of theTop 250 Global Startups, from the SLINGSHOT, 2023 in Singapore.
Discover the first achievements of our group